3 public speaking games

One minute speeches, tangling tongue twisters & permission to present badly!

These three public speaking games are tried and tested. To put it plainly, they work!

They're immediately available, CCS aligned, great fun to play and will help build public speaking confidence and competence in the best way possible, with laughter.

If you teach, or lead a public speaking group, you'll love them. Read on to find out why.

What do these games do?

Click on the links to find out more and check out a preview.

Want to develop presentation skills? Play "Permission to present badly". Who knew that speaking too fast, fiddling with notes, or using multiple fillers could be "like", "um", "ah",  so funny and "like", so instructive?

Need to banish the mumbles? "Tangling tongue twisters" is your answer. There are 6 totally tantalizing activities to choose from and 44 twisters.

How about developing the confidence to stand in front of others and speak? That's "One minute speeches". Choose between 3 variations and 4 themed topic sheets.

About these games

All three games come from my popular ebook Public Speaking Games - From fear to fun in 28 ways. You'll find free versions of them in varying places around my site. Here's One Minute Speeches, for example. 

The difference between these and my freebies is that these come with multiple extension variations and all the printable resources you need to play them. They are quite literally, print and play.

These games will save you time, add to your teaching repertoire, give your students opportunities to experience the joy of fear-free public speaking while adding to their skills and, you'll gain a collection of evergreen reusable resources.

You may purchase them singly (one at a time) or buy all three. If you've not played public speaking games before, then they are a perfect (and inexpensive) introduction.

Who are these games best for?

They are generally targeted toward students in the middle school and above range, including adults.

You'll find them easily adaptable to fit your context: school, work place or community group.

Although they are not specifically designed for non-native English speakers people in this category will benefit from playing them too.

 1. One minute speeches

Grab this game if you've got students who need to:

  • develop confidence to stand and speak in front of others
  • gain impromptu speaking skills
  • loosen up, let go of public speaking fear and have fun

It's perfect as an introduction to public speaking - safe, non-confrontational - a great equalizer. You'll find it works well in either small group or classroom settings from middle school upwards. Adults love it too! 

What's in this game package?

The One minute speeches package includes:

  • the foundation game and 2 advanced versions
  • 4 themed printable topic collections - a total of 368 topics
  • full instructions for each game variation
  • matching Common Core Standards (ELA)

Product Format - pdf (40 pages)

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 2. Permission to present badly

You need Permission to speak badly if your students struggle with delivery skills. If you've got chronic gabblers, monotone Marthas and Martins, unconscious fidgeters, folk who gaze out the window or at the floor while speaking - this activity will help them develop a greater self awareness in a totally supportive and counter-intuitive way.

Instead of criticizing poor delivery, you are going to encourage and exaggerate it! You'll find the game releases fear, tension and anxiety by making it OK to be less than perfect. A typical session includes whoops of laughter and helpless giggles alongside pleas to play it again.

It's excellent for middle school students and upwards.

What's in this game package?

The Permission to speak badly package includes:

  • the basic game and an advanced variation
  • 7 printables - a list of 30 speaking faults and 6 text extracts - 3 fiction and 3 non-fiction
  • full instructions
  • suggestions for further extension activities
  • matching Common Core Standards (ELA)

Product format - pdf (31 pages)

 3. Tangling tongue twisters 

The focus of this game is primarily articulation and pronunciation. It's based on common drills but delivers the benefits of repetitive tongue twister practice in an uncommon yet highly effective way. Your students will participate in 6 game variations. All of them are fun! Additional benefits include increased awareness of the impact of volume, pace and pitch.

The game, and its variations, is suitable for middle school and upwards. It is excellent for non-native English speakers.

What's in this game package?

The Tangling tongue twister package includes:

  • 6 game variations
  • 44 printable tongue twisters
  • full instructions
  • additional warm-up exercises to support good articulation
  • matching Common Core Standards (ELA)

Product format - pdf (18 pages)

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Purchase all 3 public speaking games

Buy "One minute speeches", "Permission to present badly" AND "Tangling tongue twisters".

One minute speeches
Permission to present badly
Tangling tongue twisters

Safe place purchasing

Buy with confidence. If you find the games are not what you need, email me within 30 days of purchasing and I'll refund your full purchase price.

Download instructions

You are buying an instantly available pdf file.

After you have paid you will be automatically returned from the PayPal payment page to a special page on this site containing the pdf link(s) for the game(s) you have purchased.

Click the game image(s) to open the pdf(s). Then download and save the pdf(s) to your computer.

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If you have any problems with the download process contact me as soon as you can. I'll sort it out for you as fast as possible.

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Please note this product is for your own personal use in your own personal work-space. You may copy items from it for your, or your student's use. I understand you may want to share this resource as we all like receiving helpful material. However you may NOT copy it to give to others to use, post it on a website, copy or modify it to either give away or sell. What you can do instead is review and/or refer people to write-out-loud.com to purchase their own copy. Thank you.