2. Sample eulogies
  3. Eulogy for a mother from a daughter

Eulogy for a mother from a daughter

5 short heartfelt example eulogies from daughters for their mothers

Contributed by: Aimee, Denver, Colorado, USA | Deborah, Liverpool, UK |Anne-Marie, San Francisco, USA |Kristy Bell, Perth, Australia |Michelle Seraco, Kennsaw, Georgia, USA

Here are five short, sincere eulogies for mothers from their daughters. They've been contributed to help and inspire other women: daughters who also have a eulogy to write for their mother and want to see what others done before beginning on their own. 

As you read, imagine you are hearing their voices as if the writer was talking to you directly. Do that, and you'll feel the genuine, deep, appreciative love these daughters have for their mothers.

  1. My Mother's eulogy - a short, strong, sincere speech full of admiration and love
  2. Eulogy for my Mother, Muriel - a eulogy filled with touching personal stories to illustrate a life lived well
  3. Eulogy for Mom from her daughter Anne-Marie - a beautiful short eulogy for an inspiring woman who battled with cancer for the last few years of her life.
  4. Eulogy for her Mother from her daughter, Kristy - a short, very loving eulogy that has helped and inspired thousands of visitors since it's been online.
  5. Michelle's eulogy for her Mother, Karen - a great example of how to write a respectful, honest and loving eulogy for a person who struggled with addictive issues.

A eulogy for my mother from her daughter, Aimee

Aimee, whose mother loved to talk and had an open-door policy for everyone in her neighborhood, has deliberately kept her eulogy short.

The deep respect, admiration and love she had for her, and how she lived her life comes shining through, loud and clear.

You'll see from the number of comments it's received from readers how helpful it's been for them.

Here is her speech.

My Mother's eulogy

I feel as though I could write a book regarding my mother’s life so I will do my best to make this brief.

My mother was a very sensitive and compassionate person. She loved her family, friends, colleagues, clients and students very deeply.

Sometimes she stuck her nose into things that were none of her business, but I know her motives were never malicious.

Image-two women talking. Text Quote: She had the gift of the gab and somehow was able to have complete strangers share their life story with her.

She had the gift of gab and somehow was able to have complete strangers share their life story with her within their very first conversations. She truly had a compassionate, open heart.

I remember the days when we lived on Locust and our whole neighborhood was like family. Mom had an open-door policy whether it was the neighbors walking in for sugar or eggs, or the neighborhood kids coming to her for advice and shelter.

She always loved the children – including her brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews and her grandchildren. And I believe as the oldest she felt the need to take care of everyone though it was not always her responsibility.

I don’t know how she managed to raise a family, return to college and receive a double major and double minor, still cook for us, and show up to all our activities. She exposed us to diverse experiences including sports, the arts, and a world of possibilities.

We were taught strong values and the importance of family, faith, hard work, kindness, tolerance, generosity, forgiveness and love. She was a strong woman, stubborn, gentle but direct and had an amazing sense of humor.

The last three or four years were hard for mom with the return of her breast cancer and the other illnesses she coped with. I know she is at peace now.

Image: couple sitting on bench seat enjoying the sunset. Quote: June 7th would have marked our parent's 50th wedding anniversary. I treasure all the loving memories and exchanges they shared.

June 7th would have marked my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary and we know love and marriage is not always an easy commitment. I treasure all the wonderful loving memories and exchanges they shared.

We have lost many family members and friends over the years, especially in the last few, but I am comforted by the fact mom is in heaven sharing her gift of gab and continuing her legacy of sticking her nose in everyone’s business.

I hope and pray our generation can continue the passion and love of family you all have shared with us.

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Comments on Aimee's eulogy for her Mother 

Aimee's eulogy for her strong, vibrant, loving mother has attracted many comments from grateful readers. Here's a sampling of what they had to say:

Lynley says: "Like many other have said, I did not know where to start with all the great memories that my mother has left behind. This has really helped me. Thank you and may God strengthen and keep you during this time of loss."

Heather says: "My mom died on 15th October, and it's been so hard on me. Reading your eulogy has given me the strength to write mine. Thank you."

Penny says: "Thank you, for sharing your writing with all of us. You never wanna be in position where you have to write on behalf of a loved one's death. It's not only hard when faced with a tragedy but then planning your mother's funeral and given a couple days to sum up their beautiful life on a single piece of paper...Like I said, it's hard.

So, thank you for helping me figure out how to at least start it. I can stop staring at this blank piece of paper now. Truly inspiring. Thank you!"

Jacqui says: "Beautifully written. I have just lost my Mum on the 7th of June and your words have inspired me immensely. Not knowing where to start, I now feel like I can put pen to paper. Thank you so much for sharing this. Thank you for kick starting my heartful thoughts."

Bridie says: "Hi there, your writing helped to break through the blank page syndrome. I took some of your structure and ideas, then re- wrote it to suit my style. Finally, this is off the launch pad. I was stuck for a long time.  I am so grateful. Thanks again."

Jennifer says: "Thanks for sharing. I found your eulogy and it is very helpful. I was having a hard time gathering the facts to write my Mum's until I found yours. I am able to write something now."

Julie says: "My husband is trying to write a eulogy for his mother and was finding it so hard until I found this. We're both in tears.  Thank you for sharing. It really has helped."

Robin says: "Thank you for sharing your thoughts. My Mom passed away a month ago, and we are having a memorial service for her next week. I promised to write her eulogy, but honestly, sitting down and typing out my thoughts and the stories her friends and family members have shared with me just feels like losing her all over again. I have dragged my feet on this, so your words for your mother's eulogy are a huge help. Bless you!"

Liz says: "Just a note to say thank you. Your eulogy inspired my siblings and me to write our own mother's eulogy. Our mom passed away last Friday morning. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and a rough road followed. For the last two weeks of her life, she was in a hospice.

Despite how much preparation and how ready you think you are for the imminent death of your mom, it really stung when she actually passed.  We, in fact, were not ready for the blow. Take care."

Tara says: "Thank you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is hard to lose anyone, but I found it very devastating losing my mother."

Carrie says: "My mother is currently in a hospice, and I find myself preparing for the inevitable. I found such power and strength in your writing that I merely wanted to say thank you."

Barbara says: "Thank you for sharing your eulogy with us. It is a source of inspiration to me in writing the eulogy of my aunt. It sure does help."

Aimee says: Susan just shared with me that she posted my eulogy for my mother whom we lost almost 16 years ago. Thank you, Susan for publishing and thank you everyone for all your nice & wonderful comments. My thoughts are with all of you, losing our parents is very tough! I am glad that my eulogy has helped others!

And Susan says in response to Aimee's comment: This comment came about because I emailed Aimee to let her know I'd updated the page her eulogy for her mother was on, and to share how helpful it continues to be. 

Would you like to comment on this eulogy, or on any of the others on this page?

To add a comment, please submit what you want to say through the submission form on my about me page. Be sure to tell me which eulogy you are commenting on, so I know where to post it. Thank you.

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Eulogy for my mother Muriel

Deborah from Liverpool, UK, contributed this short eulogy for her mother filled with personal memories. She's called it: Muriel - The Morning Room. You'll understand why once you read it. 

Eulogy for Muriel - The Morning Room

Muriel - Liverpool, UK

We all know Mum, Grandma, Muriel, Mu, Moey in different ways and have our own special memories.

In preparing what to say in this eulogy I remembered a conversation we had about this time last year.

Mum had been to the hospital for one of her appointments and this time she was reunited with a big stack of her medical records going back to the 1960s. The nurses had found the archive of notes fascinating.

Living a full life

But in our chat Mum said she felt really strongly that she didn’t want to be defined by that stack of medical records.

She said to me, “I’ve lived a full life. Next time I go in I want to take some pictures with me to show the nurses that I’ve really lived and what I’ve done over the past fifty years.”

So that’s what I’m going to help Mum show you – through some of my memories about her full life.

Sewing & making things in the morning room

When I think about family time with Mum I think about the Morning Room at home. This is where everything happened and where the sewing machine lived. Mum was brilliant at making things and the sewing machine was a big part of that.

Image: bright striped curtain fabric. Quote: I have to mention the Morning Room curtains...

I have to mention the Morning Room curtains. Growing up in the 70's they were regularly changing.

Mum would get a remnant of bright bold material from the market and quickly run up a new pair of curtains. Then after what seemed like just a few months later, she’d do the same again.

It was the same with clothes. Collette and I would show her fashion sketches in Jackie magazine and next day Mum would run up a trendy new gypsy skirt or dress for us on her sewing machine.

In the Morning Room we also made lots of ‘Blue Peter* style things together - anything from fluffy gonks through to a toy made out of a margarine tub and cotton reels. Mum made family life fun, and she was very creative.

(*A British children's TV show and the longest running one in the world.)

Night classes, sugar craft and teaching

As a teenager I remember going to night school classes together. Mum did flower arranging while I was next door doing woodwork. She loved flowers and for many years she was one of the volunteers on the flower roster doing arrangements in this church, ably supported by Dad.

That brings me to the other thing that used to happen in the Morning Room, cake decorating.

Following the flower arranging classes Mum went on to take lessons in how to make sugar paste flowers. This led to her entering exhibitions with her classmates. Then her friends and family managed to persuade her to share her skills and teach sugar craft and cake making.

I was so proud when Mum did this especially when she told me stories of how she handled some of the cheeky young lads at catering school while teacher training.

I know she was chuffed to bits to be working and she made lots of good friends.

Image: sugar craft- white roses on wedding cake. Quote: She was very talented in her craft and enjoyed making sugar flowers very much.

She was very talented in her craft and enjoyed making sugar flowers very much.

I remember the night before Collette and John’s wedding she stayed up all through the night making beautiful delicate sugar paste bluebells for their cake. I scolded her in the morning for not getting any sleep and she simply said, “I don’t care, I’ve enjoyed myself.”

So, I hope you will agree with Mum that she lived a very full life and enjoyed herself, and you will remember her that way, as she wanted you to.

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Comments about Deborah's eulogy for her mother

When I, (Susan), received Deborah's eulogy for her mother I thanked for sharing her Mum and the magic of her Morning Room with us. And I agreed with her, saying "...people are always much more than a stack of historical file notes."

Jen echoed that. She said: "Hi Deborah,
How lovely to remind us all of the well-lived life, the joy of craft and doing things together and to not let the illness of their last months/years define them."

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Eulogy for Mom from her daughter Anne-Marie

Ann-Marie's beautiful eulogy for her mother Mary celebrates her life of selfless love and service. In it she shares her deep, heartfelt gratitude for being her daughter and tells us how her mother has shaped her life.

Eulogy for Mom

My mom Mary

A mother and child connection is so utterly profound. How can the limitations of language ever do this archetypal relationship justice?

It feels almost impossible to put words to the love I feel for my mother, but I will try.

Gratitude for time spent together

I have tremendous gratitude for past five years because I was able to spend time with my mother since she was first diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We were very open with one another - sharing our feelings; laughter, tears, and, some bickering here and there. The conversations and closure we were able to have were a gift. I will miss her forever.

Beauty, peace and tranquility in death

In my mother’s life there was hardship, but also huge blessings.

My mother's death, as is often the case, was similar to her life as a whole in this way. It was an invaluable experience to have been by her side, along with my family, through her final days and nights.

I am amazed when I recollect the bright, warm, large look in her hazel-colored eyes after she was told she did not have much time left.

Image: golden clouds and blue sky with quote: Yet in her final moments the peace and tranquility that came over my mom's face was breathtaking.

You see, as my mother began to pass away, I thought maybe she didn't want to go. For, she was a fighter and her incredible tenacity had showed up in her strong will to live with this terrible disease these last five years.

Yet in her final moments the peace and tranquility that came over my mom’s face was breathtaking.

She was beautiful and as glorious as an angel as she smiled and transitioned out of this world and into the next. For sure she had agreed to pass on.  By the ecstatic look on her face I rest knowing mom was greeted by her loved ones who went before her.

Our tight bond despite our differences

My mother Mary was 32 when she gave birth to me. Younger than I am now.

Her own mother died while she was pregnant with me, and I imagine that tragedy must have played a role in our tight bond. I always felt close to my mother. But our relationship was a paradox.

On the surface the way we have lived our lives may seem contrary. However, in spite of traditional and generational differences, our core strengths and beliefs were so congruent; and it was the spirit with which my mother imparted her love that transcended all our differences.

Image: background of pink watercolor hearts with quote

My mother’s core motivating force was LOVE and it was her love that has had a profound impact on the essence of who I am. My mother lives on in my heart.

She gave me the foundation on which my whole life is built. A calling to live a life of service and to help make the world a better place. This is the greatest lesson my mother taught me; how to be caring, affectionate, forgiving, and empathetic towards others, especially those in need.

My mother exemplified service, be it to the elders she visited weekly for years in the nursing home, caring for my beloved Aunt Nonie, or her persistent efforts to meet the needs of her own children and grandchildren. I will always feel love and gratitude for the warm gifts she so beautifully embodied.

My mother, Mary, was a force for spreading good in the world, and her legacy - this compelling force of good continues in the many of us here, whose lives she touched.

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Responses to Anne-Marie's eulogy for her Mom

There have been many reader responses to Anne-Marie's eulogy for her mother. Here's a few of them.

Mike Dupre wrote: "This seems written for my mom. It's so beautiful. I know your pain as you wrote it and I cry.

I hope I can use a few of your words in my eulogy as I'm not the best writer as I see you are. I need to write it in two days and will go with my heart as I felt you did, reading this.

Love you even though we never met because we are all the same and feel the same. Bless your heart."

I answered him: "Mike, Susan here. Of course you can borrow the words you want. These pages of sample eulogies are here to help. Go well with your writing."

Ken says: "I think it can be difficult for some people to give a eulogy for their parent even though I gave the one for my mother who also died of lung cancer.

A year later my father-in-law passed away, also of lung cancer, and my wife and her brother felt they couldn't give the eulogy, so they provided memories in writing for the person giving his eulogy to share at his memorial service.

My mother-in-law passed away last week (stage 4 cancer), and my wife and brother-in-law again provided memories for the eulogy, someone else delivered.

So, this is an option to consider when you feel it would be to too difficult to deliver the eulogy yourself, is to have someone close to the family give the eulogy, with memories and thoughts that you provide.

I don't know how long ago your loss was, but you have my sympathies."

Maggie says: "Beautifully written. I am going to use a part of this for my Mom's eulogy. Thank you. I am very grateful you decided to share it."

Caroline says: "I absolutely love how you wrote this, and I believe that you were super close with your mom because of the way you wrote, and the effort you put in this eulogy.

I love how you made it really nicely detailed such as descriptions of how your long loving mother fought for her life. I also hope the best for you because of your tragic loss." 

Susie says: "Unlike all of the other comments, my mother wasn't always the nicest to me. I was the youngest and my brother is the oldest. She idolized everything that he did and put him on pedestal. 

So, writing her eulogy is hard. I don't hate her, but my brother is doing nothing, and I am doing it all.
Thank you for guiding me back to what a eulogy should be all about. God bless you."

I, Susan, replied: "Susan here. I feel for you. That's a difficult story and it must have taken quite an effort on your part to come to a place of acceptance, where you are able to do what you need to. I am glad you've found something you can use to help here."

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Eulogy for a mother from her daughter

Kristy Bell's short, very loving eulogy for her mother has helped and inspired thousands of visitors since it's been online. Many of them have taken the time to say thank you. You'll find those comments below the eulogy.

A daughter's loss of her mother

Tina AndersonTina Anderson

My mother always said that we could be whomever we wanted to be.

She was a person you could really depend on and was a constantly supporting her children no matter if they wanted to climb the tallest mountain or build the biggest block tower.

She was our rock, and she is one lady who will be missed by not only her children, but everyone.

When we were growing up my mother made sure my siblings and I were always taken care of. She would sacrifice her own happiness for ours.

When we were younger, we didn’t understand that, but she was just that type of giving person. As we grew up, we begin to realize Mum was one of the good ones.

Quote: She always said you had to be nice to everyone even if they weren't nice to you because you didn't know what might be going on in their lives.

She always said you had to be nice to everyone even if they weren’t nice to you, because you didn’t know what might be going on in their lives.

I could never understand how she could be so compassionate to people who were not nice to her. That was just the way Mum was. She cared more for everyone else than she did for herself.

You can never get as much time with the ones you love as you think you are owed. We didn't know Mama's time with us was short, but we still enjoyed every second with her. She was just as sweet, supportive, and full of joy as always, right up to the end.

Mum was a light in my life as I am sure she was a light in all of yours. She would give anyone the shirt off her back and go out of her way to help a friend in need.

I remember one time when I was little Mum got a phone call late at night from a friend who lived on the other side of the street. She had fought with her husband and was really upset. Mum dressed us and went out in her nightgown with us to go and console her because Dad was working that night. She would always be there for her friends and family.

There are so many memories of my mother that come to mind so it would be next to impossible for me to pick a favorite.

Quote: When her time was growing short in those last few days, she spent time with each one of us telling us how much we had meant in her life.

When her time was growing short in those last few days, she spent time with each one of us telling us how much we had meant in her life. That will go in my memory bank as one of my favorite times with her. We were lucky to have such a great mother, and even luckier that we were able to spend so much time with her at the end of her life.

Mum is with us today in our hearts. Words can't express how much she meant to me and my family. I know she is watching us and is with us in spirit.

Let us remember Tina Anderson as the carefree and loving person she was and celebrate the life of a great woman as we honor her memory today.

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Reader responses to Kristy's eulogy for her mother

Linda says: "This is a beautiful tribute. I recently lost my Mom of 90 years and wondered, how do I sum up her wonderful life? This is a letter of love and I hope I can give my Mom a similar tribute, as you have given your Mom."

Marnie says: "I lost my Mom yesterday and as I sit here and try to write I am at a loss. I hope you don't mind if I use some of your sweet words to honor my mom."

Susan answered: "Please do! That's exactly what they're there for - to help others. Blessings, Susan"

Carol says"Thank you so much for your beautiful eulogy. I lost my Mum last Monday. I am so numb, and I can't find the words I need by myself. I hope you don't mind me using some of yours. The center of our world disappears when we lose our Mums. Thank you for such comforting and inspiring words. xx"

Courtney says: "I just lost my mom two days ago. I’m 21 and have three brothers. It was a car accident that took her life and my grandmother's. If it’s okay with you I would like to use some of what you said in my eulogy as well. Thank you for being brave and sharing."

Susan answered: "Of course you may take what you need. We're happy to be of service. Wishing you courage and much love. Blessings, Susan.

Lottie says: "Thank you. This was both inspiring and helpful to me in writing for my own mother. To all of you who speak - you are so very brave!"

Mike says: "I am sorry for your loss. I just lost my mother too. You have helped me a lot. I would love you to permit me use some of your eulogy too. You are a source of inspiration."

Sonya says: "My deepest sympathy. What a lovely eulogy you have written. I too, sadly have this task and it's impossible to summarize all the love my mother showed to us."

Diane says: "I have been given the task of writing my mother's eulogy. Your kind words and wonderful story has lifted my spirits."

Wanda says: "Thank you for this beautiful eulogy. I have the honor, but also the sorrow, of writing my Mother's (online) obituary/eulogy. After reading yours about your Mother, I feel I will be able to do it justice."

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Michelle's eulogy for her mother Karen

The last of our example eulogies for a mother from a daughter comes from Michelle Siraco. It's a wonderful example of how to speak honestly, with respect and love, about someone who struggled with drug addiction and won. 

My Mother's legacy

Karen SiracoKaren Siraco

Thank you for being here to celebrate the beautiful life of my beloved mother Karen Siraco.

My name is Michelle. I am the twin sister to Danielle and older sister to Austin. My mother had three children, whom she loved with every ounce of her being. She told us we were her greatest gifts.

My mother was born in Canton, Ohio and was the second child born of the four girls. My grandparents, my mother and three aunts grew up for the most part in New Jersey. She attended Westfield Highschool.

The wild child has twins, and then one more

My mother was a wild child to say the least. When she fell pregnant at 21, she was living with our father in Mobile, Alabama and had no idea she was expecting twins until our birth. 

My mother did not receive timely prenatal care until she was asked by my grandparents to return to New Jersey so they could help with the baby, and she could go to college. In her final few months of pregnancy she took their advice and moved back.

Twin girls cradling dolls with quote: my mother gave birth to not one girl but two!

On July 18, 1980, my mother gave birth to not ONE girl, but TWO! I remember my mom saying she immediately thought, "Dear God, please take one away. Not two babies!"

I know she was only joking and just scared at that moment!

My mother had plenty of help raising my sister and I from her three sisters and her parents throughout our childhood.

My Mom and Dad welcomed a third child, my little brother Austin in 1992. We were 12 years old at the time. (long story) Although we wanted a sister not a brother, we were happy to welcome a sibling into our hectic lives.

Struggles with drug addiction

My mother unfortunately struggled with drug addiction since her early 20's. She was arrested multiple times serving different amounts of time in different jail facilities. She tried drug treatment programs, inpatient rehab, half-way housing, transitional housing, NA meetings and though she struggled with consistent sobriety, she was well known by family and friends as having a genuine heart.

She was very open about her struggles with addiction and recovery.

Image: flowery background. Text: I understood early on about the disease of addiction...

My mother was not always in my life but she always tried. I understood early on about the disease of addiction and was able to forgive her for her absence in my early childhood years.

I thanked her for the past 7-8 years reminding her that she has been present for me both as a mother and a wonderful GiGi to her grandchildren.

My Mother's qualities

My mother taught me the importance of family, faith, hard work, kindness, forgiveness and love. She was a strong willed woman, stubborn and gentle with a great sense of humor.

She was caring, affectionate, forgiving and empathetic towards others, especially for those in need. She worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse for a few years and was a natural caregiver.

She loved her family and friends deeply and was known for her "gift of gab" and somehow being able to have complete strangers share their life story with her within their very first conversations. She truly had a compassionate heart.

Gratitude, closure and guardian angels

I have tremendous gratitude for that the past year I was able to spend time with her since she was diagnosed with Stage V Small Cell Lung Cancer. We were very open with one another- sharing our feelings, laughing, crying and arguing here and there. The conversations and closure we were able to have is a gift.

She was a true fighter and her incredible tenacity showed up in her strong will to live with this terrible disease.  She fought so hard she lived a whole year despite the original prognosis of 4-6 months with treatment.

She didn't want to die. She wanted to live but accepted death as a part of life.

In her final moments the peace and tranquility that came over my mom's face was breathtaking. She wanted to know her children were going to be ok. I reassured her multiple times as she began to slip away that it was ok to go.

Image: guardian angel. Quote: My mother believed in the angels, in heaven and the life we will be granted after death.

My mother believed in the angels, in heaven and the life we will be granted after death. Her beautiful soul is finally reunited with her mother whose death she struggled with over the past eight years and the loved ones who went before her.

As hard as it is accepting the fact that she is no longer here, I am at peace with her being my guardian angel. She promised to make her spirit present in my life and her legacy will live on through all of the lives she touched.

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What people have said about Michelle's eulogy for her mother

Celebrant Josie Meuli says: "Michelle, I found your eulogy to your mother so uplifting. Your honesty would've been valued at the ceremony and other family siblings will accept that this was the most appropriate way to remember your mother. Wonderful words!

Susan says: Thank you. From what you write I'm sure your Mom would approve whole-heartedly of your decision to share your eulogy about her.

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More resources for writing eulogies

Image: watercolor of spring blossoms on tree. Text: If you'd like to contribute a eulogy to help and inspire others, please click sample eulogies
  • Click the link to find out more about and/or to add to our growing collection of example eulogies.
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