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Speech writer for hire

That's me, at your service

Why get me to write for you?

Maybe because:

  • You're unsure where to begin
  • You don't know what to put in and what to leave out
  • The right words keep slip, sliding away
  • You're worried about meeting expectations - your own and other people's
  • You have run out of time to prepare your speech properly
Susan Dugdale - write-out-loud.com

If any of those reasons fit your situation, please don't feel anxious, just read on.

Browse the speech samples, read the testimonials (page right), check the process, the price and fill out the form.

Get the right words to fit the occasion

What sort of speech do you need?

I can help you with a eulogy or funeral speech, a birthday, farewell, wedding, engagement, tribute or retirement speech, an acceptance, thank you, introduction or welcome speech.

(The links will take you to examples and there are more highlighted below.)

Button: red. Text: Stop worrying now

Allow me to take your worry away.

If you've begun your speech, I can review what you've done and finish it.

Or I can begin at the beginning and craft you a custom speech.

Read these sample speeches

Click on a button to read a few of the example speeches already on pages throughout my site. They'll give you a taste of what you can expect.

If you don't find what you want, use the 'ask me' button and fill out the form to see if I can help.

eulogy/funeral speech button
wedding speech button
birthday speech button

Introduction speech button
welcome speech button
Ask me button

The process 

Speech writer process button

Preparing the best speech for you is a two-way process.

After you have filled in the form below I will contact you to confirm the details you have submitted. I will also request a meeting via either Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, FaceTime or phone*, to ask additional questions about the event, the audience, the tone of the speech, and the key messages you want to leave the audience with.

Be ready to supply the names of important guests, stories, sayings - scraps of information to help build a full picture. The more you can give me, the more likely I am to write exactly what you want.

Do you use Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example ChatGPT, to generate a speech or will the speech I receive be 100% written by you? 

Given the increasing development and use of AI, trusting the source and originality of work you pay for is important.

For peace of mind, you need to know I do not use any form of AI to write. When you hire me the speech you get will have been solely written by me.

*Please note: If you choose to talk through your speech requirements on a phone those charges will be passed on. Unfortunately, unlike Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, or FaceTime, telephone services are not free.

The costs

Social speech rates

Speech writer prices button

A 3 - 5 minute social, family and/or friends speech (i.e. wedding, engagement, farewell, birthday, retirement, eulogy, introduction...) is charged at a flat rate of $350 US plus PayPal charges*. 

That includes a first and second draft, the final text, plus research and an initial consultation via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp or FaceTime, or phone.

If we've met via telephone those charges will be added to the final price of your speech: $350 US plus the phone and PayPal charges.

The price for a longer speech needs to be discussed.

Business speech rates

A 3 - 5 minute work-place focused speech addressing either current, or potential, colleagues or customers is $500 US plus PayPal charges. The rate for each additional minute up to a speech 9 - 10 minutes long is $80 US.

The price of a longer speech needs to be discussed. 

PayPal charges & how do I pay you?

You pay me through Pay Pal, using your credit card if you do not have an account.

*PayPal charges account holders fees to receive payments. For example, the charges on $350.00 USD, the price of a standard social speech, are $15.89 USD.
(4.4% of $350.00 = $15.40 + a 49c currency fee =  $15.89 total)

Check out this PayPal page on how charges are calculated if you want to find out more.

When do I pay?

Payment is due once I have received all the details about your speech and have agreed to write it.

Extras - delivery help

If you require help with your speech delivery I can either skype/zoom/whatsapp you or prepare an audio file. That's me reading your speech to give you a sense of how to say it for maximum effectiveness.

  • A 45 minute skype/zoom session = $80 US + PayPal fees
  • An audio file = $90 US + PayPal fees

What happens if I don't like what you've done?

If I don't think I can write what you want I'll let you know at the outset and suggest you look elsewhere for a speech writer. That minimizes the possibilities of disappointment. I know my work is not for everybody.

However, if we've begun the process, I'll happily revise in the time available until you feel entirely comfortable with your speech. Please note though, revision is different from requesting a change of direction and the addition of new material. If you've carefully filled out my form, and met with me to talk your speech over, misunderstandings are unlikely to arise.

Shall we begin?

If you've reviewed the process, the potential costs, read a couple of sample speeches and want to proceed, please fill in the form below.

I'll get back to you within 48 hours to let you know whether I can meet your deadline and write the type of speech you are requesting.

To make sure you get my response, please double, double check the email address you enter.

Round retro button saying 'ready?'

Let's get started on your speech

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


*Please note - Your privacy is assured. I will not share either your personal information or the speech I write for you with anyone.

NB. Please don't ask me to write a speech

  • for a school based project, a competition or
  • one intended to inflict pain or incite ill-feeling.

I will refuse. I won't write speeches to be given as part of any program for assessment where the speaker is expected to have prepared the speech they deliver and neither will I write to deliberately hurt.